Sunday, November 6, 2011



不舍得交了很多年的朋友们,不舍得那个舒适的工作环境,不舍得那个我天天享受美味早餐的cafeteria,不舍得那个coffee machine, 很多个不舍得。胡须佬在我从美国回来后,送了我一张从一个残缺人士买回来的对联,里面只写了两个字。他说这两个字carry着很重大的意义,“舍得”。。。。。。

“舍得”。。。。有舍,才有得。我开始了第一步,就是离开我的comfort zone, “舍”了那份可以给我安定生活的工作,哪来的勇气,我也不懂。跨了这个第一步,将来会“得”到什么,没有人会知道。我也没有全盘的计划,只是希望可以做我喜欢做的事,没有遗憾的。。。


“How many times we roll the dice in our life? When we "roll the dice", we are taking a chance, and hoping that we will win. If we dare to still dream, we can reach the sky with our wings."



Monday, October 17, 2011




美国回来后,开始筹备婚礼。大大小小的事,都是为了这一天。筹备的过程,并不是这样顺利的,因为我们是什么都要简简单单,可是“华人传统”这四个字真的把我们搞到一个头,两个大。所以我觉得,结过婚的人都可以去当wedding planner了。

现在回想起来,我可以明白为什么人人说要享受筹备的过程和enjoy当天的celebration。做了一年的准备,全部都在两天里面,“pooooooofff" 一声释放完出来。所以当天应该要给自己一个机会做一天的King & Queen。而自己一手包办的婚礼,永远都会印在脑海里,一直playback给自己看。所以,要享受那个过程。
只是,我们所谓的筹备过程,真的是到了last last last minute, 才开始发现这个还没做,那个还没买。几忙。。。。。说要早睡保持最好的状态,结果两个人搞到天天两点才睡。

出嫁日,紧张到不行。在一起八年了,我不知道到底在紧张什么。外面在玩,我在里面走来走去,站来站去。结果听到姐妹说。。。"我Hold不住了!" 。最后,就给他娶走了,几容易。。。。

Wedding lunch....我最担心的就是,当我们在enjoy的同时,是不是可以把每个出席的人都招待得好好的。很久不见的朋友,到来给予祝福,我都会很珍惜。很希望可以和每个人说上几句话,可是真的是很难的事。

现在回想起来,wedding lunch........好像发生了很多对我来说很意想不到的事。。。。有感动的,有很糗的,有哭的,有好笑的。这些都不在我的wedding flow里面,可是就是有那29桌的人,我们才有这些种种的情绪在里头。虽然糗,可是在别人心里应该是好笑的。虽然哭,可是在别人眼里应该是感动的。我喜欢我们的婚礼。。。。。还有那首 "分分钟需要你"。。



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sometimes You Just Gotta Roll the Dice

"Sometimes you just gotta roll the dice"...Quoted from the movie "Paul".

How many times we roll the dice in our life? When we "roll the dice", we are taking a chance, and hoping that we will win.
If we dare to still dream, we can reach the sky with our wings.
So.......POP THE LOCK!

Friday, July 1, 2011


30062011 minus 30061981 and the answer is 30. An awesome 30.......

什么时候开始,别人的小孩一直在叫你aunty aunty的时候,就是你开始享有这个特权了。哈哈!





Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cheddar Cheese Bread for Cheese Lover

I love cheese, I love bread that is made with or served with cheese. I love the outcome, the bread has a soft yet crunchy crust, and I like it when it is hot.

Ingredients (The ingredients produce 2 huge loaves of bread, consider cutting the recipe in half for 1 loaf):
Conversion calculator for measurement -->
6 1/2 to 7 1/2 cups flour, unsifted
5 tsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 tsp sugar
4 tsp salt
1 cup plain yogurt
2 1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup water
6 eggs, room temperature
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
1 egg (to brush over loaves)
1 tbsp milk

1. Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, yeast, sugar and salt in the bowl of electric stand mixer.
2. Combine yogurt, butter and water in a microwavable bowl. Cook on HIGH power until butter melts, about 1 minute. Cool slightly.
3. Slowly add the yogurt mixture to dry ingredients, beat for 2 minutes at medium speed.
4. Add 6 eggs, 1/2 cup cheese and 1 cup flour. Beat for 2 minutes at high speed.
5. Add as much flour as needed to make a stiff dough.
6. Turn onto a floured surface and knead until dough is smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes.
7. Place dough into a greased bowl, turning it once to grease top.
8. Cover, let rise until double in bulk, about 1 hour.
9. Punch dough down, divide into two equal pieces. Pat dough to form round loaves. Place on greased baking sheets, cover, let rise until double in bulk, about 1 hour.
10. Preheat oven to 350 degress F. Beat remaining egg with milk, brush over loaves. Top with remaining cheese and bake until loaves are golden, about 30 minutes.
11. Remove from oven and cool on wire racks.

Add the yogurt mixture to dry ingredients.

The dough rise to double in bulk.
Ahhhh..that's my fingers.

I like the result....

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Date with Rugelach

Rugelach, is a type of Jewish pastry. I call it puff pastry, easier to understand. It is pretty easy to make rugelach, but it does take time as the dough needs to be refrigerated and then rolled out. The dough may be prepared days or weeks ahead of time and frozen; you can also shape the rugelach in advance and refrigerate or freeze them. They can then be baked without thawing.

I am using cream cheese as a base to the dough, and rolled around walnuts and cranberries....So, it is called Cranberry Walnut Puff Pastry...

Ingredients (makes 48 rugelach):
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened (I don't have enough cream cheese, so substitute with some sour cream)
1 tbsp plus 1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
8 tsp butter, melted
1 cup walnuts, chopped
1 cup cranberries
1 large egg yolk
1 tbsp water

1. In large bowl, with mixer at low speed, beat butter and cream cheese until blended and smooth. Beat in 1 tbsp sugar and vanilla. Beat in flour until blended.
2. Divide dough into 4 equal pieces. Wrap each in waxed paper and refrigerate until firm, at least 2 hours or overnight.
3. Preheat oven to 325 degree Fahrenheit. Line two large cookie sheets with foil; grease foil (I am using non-stick baking mat, so skip this). In small bowl, stir together cinnamon and remaining 1/2 cup sugar.
4. Keeping remaining dough refrigerated, on lightly floured surface, with floured rolling pin, roll 1 piece of chilled dough into 10-inch round. Brush dough with 2 tsp melted butter. Sprinkle a generous 2 tbsp cinnamon-sugar mixture over dough. Sprinkle one-fourth of walnuts and one-fourth of cranberries over top; gently press filling into dough.
5. With pastry wheel or sharp knife, cut dough into 12 wedges. Starting at curved edge, roll up each wedge jelly-rolled fashion. Place, pointed-side down, 1/2 inch apart, on prepared cookie sheets.
6. In cup, stir together egg yolk and water. Lightly brush egg yolk mixture over rugelach.
7. Bake about 40 minutes, until golden. Immediately transfer rugelach to wire racks to cool.
8. Repeat with remaining dough, melted butter, and fillings, one-fourth at a time.

Rugelach ingredients...
The cream cheese based rugelach dough...
Walnuts, cranberries, ground cinnamon and sugar mixture....
Rolled dough, with fillings....
Roll up from the curved edge...
Place 1/2 inch apart, the rugelach will rise to bigger size after baked.
And....this is rugelach....I like them...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


老公那里是7.16am,还在睡觉吧!想说提醒他,今天是特别的一天,所以在他的msn留了一个offline message。希望他醒来看到的时候,至少笑一分钟,心情就会好一天。

厨房的oven里面在bake着一个大大个的cheddar cheese bread,刚刚去看了一下,涨到很大个。为什么我酱喜欢baking和cooking,因为当我看到面包涨到很高,食物煮到好吃,我会很开心,很有成就感。如果我不做engineer,你问我喜欢什么工作,那应该是任何与baking或cooking有关的吧!虽然我不一定会煮,可是我就是喜欢花时间在这方面。我在美国六个月了,看电视时四分之三的时间都在看food network channel。Food network channel的节目很好看,“Iron chef America", "The next food network star", "Cupcake wars"很多很多可以看,真希望Malaysia有这个channel。我听过一个厨师说, "I don't need a measuring cup for my recipe, because it is all coming from a school called "This and That". A little bit of this, a little bit of that." 我很喜欢这句话,有多少个人可以像他这样。。
还有三个礼拜就回家了,其实是很兴奋的。在这里呆够了,玩也玩够了,是时候回家啦!最不舍得的就是我的apartment。住了六个月,有感情了,真希望它是mobile apartment,可以ship回Malaysia,哈哈。我走的时候,应该会流下两滴眼泪,然后kiss一下墙壁说bye bye。。。